Wednesday 14 September 2016

Definitive Guide to PABX Telephone Systems Chippenham

Private Automatic Branch Exchange(PABX) Telephone System is a private telephone network lodged mostly at medium to larger sized companies, making communication between sectors and subdivisions from any given location easy, uncomplicated, and inexpensive. PABX is most widely used in the U.K. Now talking about Chippenham, it is an historic market town located in Wiltshire, England. This PABX Telephone Systems Chippenham enables a single access number to provide different lines to outside callers while giving a scope of external lines to internal callers. PABX telephone system is much more economical than conventional external telephone line. PABX not only resolve the difficulty of connecting many departmental telephones to external lines, but it also permits users within a PABX to dial 3 or 4 digit number to reach the destination.

When Should We Go for PABX Telephone Systems:

One of the circumstances when you should think of PABX system is when you establish your own business. At this point, you need to consider your funds and make all kinds of wise decisions that will help your business. Choosing the right telephone system for your company will prove to be highly beneficial in the long run. Another situation when you consider PABX telephone system is when you are always worried about the telephone bill. The cost will not only be notably reduced, but the additional amount that you are left with can be utilized for adding extra features to the phone system.

Things to Know about PABX Telephone Systems:

PABX telephone system considerably reduces the cost thus enabling you to invest on other important aspects of your business. In PABX phone system, you can demand the provider to host everything for you. You need not worry about the place to put hardware devices because providers will set all the hardware parts up for you and also you need not be concerned about any of the initial set up costs. Also, whenever you place a call using PABX phone system, you will be confident that everything will go as expected. You will not have to face any intrusions, down time, or any other matters that would impact your company's prestige.

You can also go for hosted PABX systems without investing on any of the instruments. Flexibility is the main advantage of hosted PABX phone systems. There are many PABX telephone providers out there in the market. All in all, you and your employees can come off as true professionals by setting up the suitable telephone systems for your business.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Understanding IP telephone Systems Vs. VoIP

When it comes to IP telephony Cirencester, there are many benefits that they provide to your commerce. One can also confuse IP with VoIP and because they are not really that different, it is quite obvious to make this mistake. VoIP is actually just a subset of IP Telephony.

IP Telephony, which is also referred to as Internet telephony actually deals with digital phone system communications based on a particular number of IP (Internet) standards. This is an area of making the digital system of phone work for the benefit of the common man and also for larger enterprises. Hence, you will notice that there are a lot of applications and hardware attached to these.

The actual idea of having IP Telephony is centrally focused on enhancing productivity and also makes use of the latest technology for improving all the areas and protocols of businesses. But when it comes to VoIP, the technology used here is actually a bit of digital transport where your phone calls are taken forward or to a certain point. It actually is ideal for getting use of free phone calls or even get them at lower rates. Plus, you also get a ton of other voice communications features.

The IP telephone system also makes use of VoIP for transmitted calls, especially over the Internet. This is in contradiction to the other circuit-switched telephony that usual networks use. So it can be safely said that the IP telephone systems would also include a VoIP private branch exchange, which is referred to as IP PBX along with a desktop phone. All of these are then connected via the LAN.

The main reasons of using these IP telephone systems on a large scale was their easier access to reducing costs or in fact, making them free all together. Apart from your regular broadband or even Internet fees, there are actually no other recurring costs on these. Your provider would also offer you with long distance calls, Internet service, etc.

An important aspect to keep in mind is that unlike your regular phone services, the government does not regulate these. Hence, it could be a problem for some. But with VoIP, you can actually get a better standard for IP telephony and then integrate it into your complete information environment. But there are a plethora of advantages available with these, which makes IP an easy-to-use choice.

Top 4 Innovative Nortel IP Phones

If you are looking for Nortel ip phone Berkshire then there are plenty of options to choose from. As the name suggests these are basically VoIP phones that offer you with special features and the latest digital technology to stay connected on hosted telephony and also rev up your business. These phones function using IP network bandwidths along with converting your voice to an electronic signal. The same is then broken down and compressed and re-sent through a similar data network or internet route. And this way, you are able to be in touch with clients, associates, etc.

Nortel 1100 Series

This is a VoIP Phone from Nortel series, which gives you a sleek and cool looking piece. Made using the latest digital technology, the phones rank high on popularity because of its ergonomic benefits and cutting-edge designs. Additionally, it also contains some special features like higher resolution, back light, monochrome greyscale pixel-based and also graphical displays that makes it easier for your to access and operate the same. You can use it with Bluetooth headsets too. All of this comes in a secure and safe zone.

Nortel 1200 Series VoIP Phones

Another innovative device from the house of Nortel is their1200 Series IP Telephones that is a notch above from the series 1100. The phone has been specifically designed for managing different kinds of communication servers like the 1000 and BCM 50 too. Not only is it lighter on the budget but also apt for your desktop needs. Some of the special features that you get here include-

  • Multiple soft keys
  • Integrated speakerphone
  • High quality, advanced audio technology
  • Headset support
  • Integrated Ethernet switch with single wiring

Nortel i2000 Series VoIP Phones

This is basically a phase 2 phone that comes from the home of Nortel and gives you the best in voice over IP techniques. It is apt for business communications and is in sync with most other platforms like-

  • BCM 50/200/400/450
  • Nortel CS 1000/2000/2100
  • Meridian 1, MCS 5100/5200
  • Media Gateway 1000B Expansion

Nortel i2000 Series VoIP Phones

This is a phase 1 phone from Nortel, which is actually one of their first hits in the Voice over IP technology. So if you have a business that is already using VoIP from Nortel, then you can actually opt for this sensible addition here that are compatible with similar platforms like the ones listed above.

An Insight In to Hosted Telephony

With companies offering hosted telephony gloucestershire, you can actually get low cost upgrades for PBX and benefit with easier maintenance too. There is no doubt that these hosted telephony option is a viable solution for your business need. Ideally, the traditional way of doing any commerce would be using a telephone system that helps you get incoming lines. You can actually find a provider that would get you connected with all of these lines and also provide you with an extension of using the convention circuit mode or even through the structured cabling mode that is referred to as CAT5/ CAT6.

Ideally, most people opt for telephony systems that enables the to get incoming lines from different types of providers. All of this would be connected to a telephone system that would then intersect and merge these lines using a digitally advanced system. This can be done through cabling or even via CAT5/CAT6. Both of these are methods, which have been tried previously and are referred to as converged solutions. It is the integration of both IT and telephony for not only merging needs but also ideas.

Here the hosted telephony would take charge of that particular system and then connect it to a host from a remote location along with the hardware. All of the services would then operate via the Internet using either ADSl lines or even some leased ones.

How hosted telephony function?

These hosted lines usually operate on IP networks. Hence they make use of a common wiring or circuit system, which functions within the LAN or even data network that your company operates on. You would get a unique router that would enable your VoIP or even PBX systems. Through this, a dedicated connection would be given to an operator who would take things from here like connecting to other lines. All of this is done as per your required bandwidth, security and also service.
Once a call is made, your phone would automatically connect to the required network and then the main remote hosted service would be activated. You can be further connected via regular phones from here along with the Internet, intranet, etc. and related protocols. But one aspect to keep in mind here is that if you were assigning the infrastructure management of these systems to hosted telephony, you would either need broadband or even lease line connection. But compared to the many advantages, it certainly is a little effort to get one of these.

What is The PABX Telephone Systems And How It Works?

To simplify your business needs and ensure that you are implementing the best practices possible to enhance your profits, you need solutions like PABX telephone systems Wiltshire. As the name suggests, these are actually designed to help you create unique business solutions for faster and quicker communication. These are based on using digital technology where you can have safe and secure private exchanges. The PBX technology that entails the entire system includes PABX as just part of this automated technology.

It is one of the most popular multiple telephone systems that international and local businesses use today. For instance, the digital technology is based on getting over the redundant systems of the regular telephonic systems. Some of the special features that you get there include-

  • Multiple phone lines that is also referred to as a telephone trunk and all of these come or are merged into the telephone trunk.
  • Then there is also a computer memory option that allows switching of all the calls that are gong in or out for. So in short, there is actually no call that goes unanswered and everything would be tracked here.
  • There are also network lines available for these PABX telephone systems.
  • You can also connect with the network lines that exist within these systems.
  • All of this would be done through a console where the main switchboard is.
On the whole, with the PABX you are able to have a central phone unit in your office, which would connect to different sections and departments. An operator can transfer different calls to different sections rather than having multiple phone numbers. Here there is also the option to record and track all of the details using the latest devices.

There is also an option to connect your internal phones using this system and providing a PSTN or public switched telephone network along with benefits like VoIP Providers and SIP Trunks. So what happens here is that you are actually using internet protocol along with your regular phone systems and connecting to virtual hosts and also IP PBX, which is basically a software that is based on the PBX phone system. It provides for solutions that are contributory in helping you accomplish multiple connections, calls, tasks and deliverables. So in short, investing in the PABX is actually a good idea for anyone who wants to simplify and monitor communication and reduce hassles.

5 Reasons To Switch Over To Contemporary Office Phone Systems

With the contemporary office phone systems, you are able to not only connect with data networks but also get the best of technology in terms of advanced communication that would be a boon for your business. These systems are all about scale-ability and agility. Here you get to make use of the latest advanced communication technology that helps you connect to different gateways, networks and also both internet and intranet to ensure that communication is a breeze. This also comprises of both voice and data networking.

Reduced costs
With the office phone systems Berkshire the first thing that you are doing is saving on costs. You can make use of VOIP providers that help you make international and overseas calls but at reduced costs. So whether you are expanding or simply trying to reach your international branches, you can do this with ease without recurring costs.

No wiring hassles
Thanks to smart networking, you don’t have to worry about tons of wires strewn across your office space. You are able to just go wire-free and eliminate all of those ports around the office connecting to different phones. With this advanced software, wiring is almost non-existent and this means freer movement for you. And even you computer connection to the phone is wire-free.

No need for vendor lock-in
Now it is possible for you to actually mix and match different kinds of hardware and software - only SIP-based getaways or even VOIP service. This is done to ensure that you are able to maximize the latest features in terms of module extensions, available extensions, advanced features, etc.

Higher productivity
All in all the concept of having these advanced phone systems for your commercial enterprise would be to get higher productivity. There is no doubt that it would mean a higher cost for you initially - but that’s just a one-time cost. In the long run, you are able to juggle multiple calls, higher multiple queries and send out responses at a much faster pace. With all these things happening at one go, you are actually able to reduce or minimize your energy loss.

Customer satisfaction
And last but not the least, customer satisfaction is something that you also gain with. Quicker responses, faster actions and also resolution of issues makes your business a reliable and dependable one, thus giving your customers a morale boost and increasing your sales.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Some of the Common Telephone Issues and Their Cost of Repairs

Whenever you experience any difficulty or issue with your phone system, it is always advised to seek professional help to make things easier. A professional can help you to identify the exact issue with your phone and give you a standard number for the cost of repair. 

There are different types of issues associated with phone systems (especially the ones used for office purposes). Here are some of the most common telephone issues and their standard cost of repair. Some of the issues related to particular type of phone system are mentioned below for your knowledge:-
  1. VoIP -

VoIP is a type of phone system, which is very common for office use. The system relies on internet to make and receive calls instead of the landline used in the traditional phone systems. This type of phone system is very beneficial to any business as it can be set for many advanced features like call queues and automated receptionists without having to install a whole new type of system for the same. The most common issue with this type of phone systems are:-
  • No dial tone (with internet connection) -
This is when the office phone has an active internet connection but there is no active dial tone in the phone lines. This is commonly a sign of fault in the phone unit. First step is to call a professional for assistance. You would probably have to replace the devices attached to the phone cable line and then connect the phone to the IAD. If this step does not solve the issue you might have to replace the phone or the cords involved. This type of repair can cost up to $250.

There are many other common issues like static interference, dropped incoming calls, echo sound during calls. All these issues can be easily solved under $250 dollar. Make sure you call up a professional from Nortel networks phone Berkshire as soon as you encounter a problem.

Monday 18 July 2016

Premises Or Cloud Based Phone System? Which One Can Be Right For Your Business?

There are many aspects to consider, while going for any phone system for your business. So, let’s take a deep look at some basics about the hosted business VoIP first. 

Some basics about hosted VoIP

Generally, a hosted VoIP is a typical form of business VoIP services where VoIP equipment, services, and servers are hosted by VoIP service provider that manages calls as well as routes them to or from subscriber’s current telephony equipment. Hosted telephony Swindon can save your business from expensive costs of investing in VoIP equipment.

Hosted VoIP servers use the packet-switched telephony to transmit the calls over Internet rather than the circuit-switched technology that is used by conventional PSTN. This is the main reason that makes hosted VoIP great solution for most of the businesses these days.

How to decide between premises based and the cloud based system?

The most important thing is to understand what kind of features that are offered and what features your business actually need. If some critical communication features are required such as IVRs, queues, etc, then the cloud based solution can be a good solution.

Hosted VoIP solutions generally have less upfront cost and are normally charged as monthly fees per user. Using VoIP with the on-site server may come with high upfront cost. Moreover, hosted VoIP can be most excellent choice for the smaller businesses with 5-15 employees.

However, the large businesses having more than 100 employees choose cloud phone system due to its ultimate benefits. So, before choosing the one, make sure to talk with a knowledgeable VoIP specialist that can help you in making a wise decision that can be best for your business.

It is also important to consider your existing technology infrastructure well. Finally, think properly about how your company may grow in the upcoming years as well. With the hosted VoIP, new users can be easily added to the cloud system with the growing requirements.

Purchasing the best phone system is very important to ensure success of your business. Weigh all the aspects well before making a final decision!

Looking For A Right Business Phone System? A List Of Do’s And Don’ts To Guide You!

Taking your proper time to end up making smart decisions ensures you that you will get the right and the best phone system for your business. After all, you must be happy with your investment even after many years to come, right?

Make sure to DO the following things before you choose a phone system!

It is important to evaluate your existing system properly and know what is missing. Take time to ask questions and to understand all available features to make a good decision. Research and short list must-have as well as nice-to-have features. Make a complete list of the options and features that you would to like to have in your system.
Ask the vendors for their customer references. You can also call their customers yourself to know more about the vendor’s services and know whether they offer reliable services or not.
Businesses need flexible and reliable communication solutions that can easily adapt to changing needs of the expanding companies. There are indeed many choices you have while looking for the right business phone system, LG Ericsson Marlborough being the top choice for most of the business owner these days.
There are some common mistakes that many business owners make during the buying process. Some of them are listed below so that you can avoid them!

Never ever do the following things while buying a Business phone system!

  • Don’t forget to compare the entire cost of ownership. Many people just compare the monthly service fees or just the up-front costs which is not right.
  • Many business owners even make the common mistake of under-buying. It can be really difficult as well as costly to retrofit phone system later on.
  • Don’t shy away from the modern technologies that you don’t understand. Hosting the communications network over the cloud can be more secure and affordable than you can ever think!
  • Never forget to train or hire your IT staff to support newer technologies you choose for your business.
  • Don’t overlook implementation. This step is very crucial and can lower the overall productivity if not taken care of. Plus, it can even frustrate you customers and the employees as well.

Bring The Best Phone System To Your Business With The Help of This Awesome Guide

Different businesses have different needs. When it comes to choosing a phone system for a business, there are certain considerations that must be properly thought of before making a final decision. The following article will help you find out what kind of phone system can be an ideal choice for your business if you are also looking for the right one.

Identify your business requirements

There are a few things that need to be figured out well while looking for a business phone system. The most important ones are as stated below.
  • Do you require a complete phone system including physical office telephones? Or a virtual phone service relying on cell phones can do well?
  • What kind of service would you like to go for? You have a choice between the conventional telephone service offered by regional phone company and VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) system that runs over Internet.
  • In case you want to choose VoIP, do you want the system to be cloud based or self hosted?

VoIP Phone systems features

Basically, Virtual phone systems connect your business phone line to the remote workers on their home phones or cell-phones. This system comes with a wide variety of features including voicemail, automated receptionists, call screening, call forwarding, online faxing, and many more.

The small business phone system South West also allows the remote workers to access a large variety of the phone system features that the home and mobile phones generally don’t offer. This can be ideal for the business that has most of the remote workers or employees.

Moreover, VoIP system uses the same Internet connection that the organization is already using rather than using any kind of traditional copper wires. These systems even offers the advanced features that previously only some large organizations using PBX hardware had been using like call queues, automated attendants, and so on.
A VoIP system offers an efficient phone system that can be an ideal choice for any business. These systems can be easily configured and set up and are remarkably reasonable than those traditional landline systems making it ideal for the small businesses that want the functionality of sophisticated phone system at affordable price.

An Ultimate Guide To IP PBX Systems - Its Working, Features, Benefits And Much More!

The PABX telephone systems Berkshire offers connectivity to the conventional PSTN lines through an optional gateway. This makes upgrading of the daily business communication to this advanced data and voice network very easy.

How IP PABX system actually works?

An IP telephone system basically consists of one or multiple SIP phones, VoIP gateway to connect to the PSTN lines, and an IP PBX server. An IP PBX server works in a similar fashion to proxy server. The SIP clients that are registered with the IP PBX server can ask IP PBX to make a connection whenever they wish to make calls.
The IP PBX has directory containing all the users or phones and their corresponding SIP address. In this way, they can connect the internal call or even route any external call through VoIP service provider.

Some Awesome Benefits of PBX system for your Business

  • An IP PBX system is really easier to configure as well as install than a traditional proprietary phone system. This system basically runs as software application on computer and can take the maximum benefits from the advanced processing power, user interface, and features of a computer.
  • The Call forwarding feature can forward all your calls to some other extension or to some outside number depending on the type of the system you have.
  • This system even enables you to add third party to your call allowing you to conduct three-way conversation. It can be efficiently used to set time saving conferences or to include third party spontaneously to an important discussion.
  • With the help of IP PBX system, you can use a VoIP service provider for international or long distance calls. You can enjoy significant monthly savings. You can make free calls and can easily connect to the phone systems between the branch offices as well.
  • Adding more extensions or phone lines to the proprietary systems may need costly hardware modules. On the other hand, you just need to add more phones to your existing network in case of IP PBX system. A standard computer can handle a large number of extensions or phone lines.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Steps To Buy The Perfect Phone System For Small Scale Business

To compete with large scale business, you need to update your old and outdated phone system technology. Thus, the selection of right tools and technology is of paramount importance. So, prior to making the transition to a new phone system, it is important to consider the right tools to for your system.
Let us know more about selecting the best VOIP system for your business in this article.

Choose the right technology

Southern Voice & Data is one of the known names in the field of business phone service providers. They offer their services in Swindon, Thames Valley, South West, Wiltshire, Berkshire, Gloucestershire, Cirencester, Highworth, Chippenham and Marlborough.
Many of the advanced business phone system offered by the company runs on a network governed by the Internet. They offer best in quality phone systems able to give a quality performance on IP network.
Their Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phones does not use telephone lines or any centralized equipment. This technology involves the use of handset that connects to an Internet connection. VOIP systems offered by reliable companies are very convenient to practice and can easily be used at any location.

Decide how many systems you require

Before selecting a phone system for your business, you need to look at how many people are going to use it three years from now. VoIP provider offers quality phone systems efficiently cater all the needs of your business staff members.

Pay attention to the features

VoIP providers offer business phone systems to its customers that offer several features such as conference calling, call forwarding, etc. These systems have built-in features as required by small scale organization.

Ensure it gives the best performance at your place

Know about the geographic locations of your company. Choose a provider that offers reliable solutions and ensure the best connectivity at multiple locations. Thus, by opting for latest small business phone, you do not need to change the instrument with the change in location.
A phone system must be user-friendly. Easy to use VoIP systems help in cutting down the ongoing service costs efficiently. By implementing these useful tips, you will set the appropriate product to suit the needs of your organization.

Know About The Various Interesting Features Present In The Top Phone System

The scope of a business phone is not just limited to making phone calls. It can be a beneficial way to grow your business. It requires a good amount of research work when planning to buy new phone systems for your business.
To make your research easy, this article will give you important information regarding the features present in the phone systems.

Types of phone systems

Renowned telephone service provider company Southern Voice & Data offers its services in South West, Marlborough, Swindon, Wiltshire, Thames Valley, Highworth, Berkshire, Gloucestershire, Chippenham and Cirencester. There are basically three kinds of phone systems namely keyless system, key system and PBX systems.

Keyless systems

Keyless systems are light in weight and suitable for organizations with less than ten employees. These phone systems are highly cost-effective and require simple installation and operation. Such systems provided by VoIP provider are very portable and shifting them from one place to another is an easy task.

Key systems

Key phone systems have a centralized control unit that offers useful features and functions for a phone system that are not available on normal phones. Some of these features are extension management, locking users off from telephone lines that are being used, etc.
Key phone systems offer eighty percent of the functionality provided by a standard PBX system at a reasonable cost. Businesses having five to fifty employees and basic telephony requirements can go for this

PBX systems

PBX systems are the commonest type of business phone system. These are highly flexible in nature. With PBX systems designed can cater to the needs of different size of business. From business with as less as five users or large enterprise level businesses with thousands of people in numerous locations, PBX systems are the best phone systems meeting the individual requirements.
VoIP providers offer several inbuilt functions such as easy to install conference calling, call tracking, associating it with a billing system of the client and various other complex features significant in business. Nortel phones are the most preferred ones widely used in different sectors.
Implementing a telephone system for your business is an expensive affair. Understand the features available in different phones and how well they meet the requirements of your business. This understanding will help you buy the most efficient systems for your business.

Know About The Various Interesting Features Present In The Top Phone System

The scope of a business phone is not just limited to making phone calls. It can be a beneficial way to grow your business. It requires a good amount of research work when planning to buy new phone systems for your business.
To make your research easy, this article will give you important information regarding the features present in the phone systems.

Types of phone systems

Renowned telephone service provider company Southern Voice & Data offers its services in South West, Marlborough, Swindon, Wiltshire, Thames Valley, Highworth, Berkshire, Gloucestershire, Chippenham and Cirencester. There are basically three kinds of phone systems namely keyless system, key system and PBX systems.

Keyless systems

Keyless systems are light in weight and suitable for organizations with less than ten employees. These phone systems are highly cost-effective and require simple installation and operation. Such systems provided by VoIP provider are very portable and shifting them from one place to another is an easy task.

Key systems

Key phone systems have a centralized control unit that offers useful features and functions for a phone system that are not available on normal phones. Some of these features are extension management, locking users off from telephone lines that are being used, etc.
Key phone systems offer eighty percent of the functionality provided by a standard PBX system at a reasonable cost. Businesses having five to fifty employees and basic telephony requirements can go for this

PBX systems

PBX systems are the commonest type of business phone system. These are highly flexible in nature. With PBX systems designed can cater to the needs of different size of business. From business with as less as five users or large enterprise level businesses with thousands of people in numerous locations, PBX systems are the best phone systems meeting the individual requirements.
VoIP providers offer several inbuilt functions such as easy to install conference calling, call tracking, associating it with a billing system of the client and various other complex features significant in business. Nortel phones are the most preferred ones widely used in different sectors.
Implementing a telephone system for your business is an expensive affair. Understand the features available in different phones and how well they meet the requirements of your business. This understanding will help you buy the most efficient systems for your business.

Monday 20 June 2016

Tips To Select An Internet Protocol Based PBX For A Small Business

Looking at the benefits of VoIP systems, many of the businesses are discarding traditional phone infrastructures and adopting Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services. LG Ericsson phone systems are based on Internet Protocol and serve as a reliable means of communication. Before making a purchase of an efficient PBX system, it is important to know about the pros and cons of this technology.
Read this article to get all the required information about PBX systems. 

Total cost of ownership

Southern Voice & Data is one of the best business telephone service providers in Swindon, Thames Valley, Marlborough, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Cirencester, South West, Berkshire, Chippenham and Highworth.
There are two types of PBX systems available in the market, hosted and on premise systems. The first type that is the premise systems require a large investment to be made, whereas the second type that is the hosted systems can easily be taken at affordable monthly payments.

Technical functionality offered by PBX systems

Considering the technical capabilities of PBX systems, it is almost same for both hosted as well as on-premise PBX systems. Hosted PBX providers normally bundle functionalities and charges collective price for each set per user. One can enjoy greater flexibility and customization of the features and functionality on their on-premise PBX systems. For on-premise PBX systems, the cost is charged per feature for specific customers. 

Simplified customization

VoIP providers help in carrying out easy customization with on-premise systems. This is due to the reason that on-staff IT professional generally overlooks the deployment and management of the system. On the other hand, customization of hosted systems is majorly done only by the provider company. Vendors can offer some degree of customization but can’t make extreme customizations for every user.
A hasty decision can lead to disruption in the communication services and could do so much harm to the business. Owing to the benefits of PBX systems, more and more companies are relying on the services offered by these systems. At VoIP service providers, you can find different grades of PBX service that would work perfectly for a business enterprise.

Some Common Mistakes People Commit When Selecting A VoIP Provider

Heavy cost savings, connecting several offices with ease, telecommute facility are some of the advantages of Panasonic phone system. Though installing VoIP infrastructure is a beneficial investment, many times people commit mistakes while choosing a VoIP provider. 
So you need to have knowledge of these mistakes to avoid them while choosing a VoIP service for your business. 

Not understanding the technology

Southern Voice & Data business phone service providers offer their quality services in Swindon, Thames Valley, South West, Gloucestershire, Marlborough, Berkshire, Wiltshire, Chippenham, Cirencester and Highworth.  Before choosing a VoIP provider ensure about the technology and its functions.
Learning the basics will greatly help in saving yourself from mistakes that are unlikely to be disclosed by the VoIP provider. VoIP provider offers the most advanced tools and technology to ease the communication process.   

Do not enquire about hidden charges

VoIP provider can offer you alluring unlimited calling schemes at a very less price. However, there could also be some hidden charges like usage, support and license, which company may not tell you. Thus, it is important to check with the VOIP service provider for any hidden charges. Go for those companies that give you complete disclosure about charges to all its customers.

Choosing an option with insufficient traffic and bandwidth

As seen in VoIP system, telephone calls are transmitted over your Internet connection. You must have the sufficient bandwidth and traffic required to transmit voice and data over the channel. VoIP provider analyses the requirement of the company and provides the best bandwidth to use VoIP effectively.

Not asking about the license of the provider

Not checking about the license of the service provider can put you under trouble. The company should have a license to grant authorized and quality audio and video transmission services in the best interest of its customers. So find out about licensing prior to availing their services.
Going for VoIP might be an easy option that you choose, but selecting qualified VoIP providers requires great research. These providers offer the best telephone services that benefit the entire company immensely and leads to its growth.

Sunday 19 June 2016

Hosted Telephony - Know Its Advantages

Business telephony has transformed from individual phones to central switch boards, and hosted cloud storage systems. The calls can now be easily routed with the virtual PBX telephone systems, which run on VOIP networks.

Hosted telephony is a better option when compared to other types of communication systems. Unlike any other formats, hosted telephone services can operate with minimum equipment and space. It can easily manage both, wireless and wired devices.

What are the benefits

Low capital investment
Capital investment is always the major part of concern for most companies, especially to the startups. Since very little equipments are needed for hosted telephone systems, you won't have to spend a lot on their installation and networking costs. Servers are expensive, but it is cheaper to have your business phone systems, run on the cloud servers of your hosting company.
Moreover, if you calculate for the future, you will understand that the life span of traditional phone systems will cost more on maintenance. Also their tariffs are much higher when you compare with voice over IP systems. On the other hand, hosted PBX is easy to install and maintain. Additionally, you can always avail 24*7 round the clock services, for any kind of assistance.

Other additional equipments
With advance hosted telephony, you can also use conference phones, even to call the domestic class phones. Suppliers also provide a wide variety of advanced phones with touch screen features, to suit all different types of needs and budgets. You can also choose colors according to go well with your office interiors. These kinds of customizations are quite popular in IT companies.

This is one of the best advantages that you will get with hosted business phone systems. The services are billed monthly as per the subscribed plans. This means that if you have 9 phones, you will be paying subscriptions for 9 phones only.
Unlike the traditional phones, you can engage in numerous conversation within your enterprise. All these features ensure smooth business operations. If you become one of the dedicated customers to the service provider, you may also enjoy discounted rates.
Make sure you hire a reliable service provider like the Southern Voice & Data. They offer services across many places in the UK, namely Marlborough , South West, Swindon, Thames Valley,Gloucestershire, Cirencester, , Berkshire Chippenham, Highworth, and Wiltshire.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Things You Should Know Before Purchasing A VOIP Phone System

Every business wants to benefit with the alluring features and options offered by VoIP systems to enhance the quality of communication. Highworth VoIP systems are based on new Internet Protocol technology that improves the ability to remain connected all along. Due to its fabulous benefits, it is considered to be the most popular and reliable forms of communication.

Let us see some of the tips that would help you make an intelligent investment.
Does it fulfil the business needs?
Select the most suitable phone system meeting all the needs of your business. South West phones are a fully functional system, which can be used as a landline phone system. If the phone system is going to be used by more than twenty-five users, then go for the landline version of Thames Valley phone else go for both hosted as well as premise based versions.

Look at the features available in a phone system
Wiltshire VoIP phone systems have several exciting features such as auto-attendant, voicemail-to-email, voicemail, call conferencing and find-me-follow me facilities. Marlborough systems provide users with a cost effective and simple way to make phone calls and participate in video and web conferencing over the Internet.

Ease of integration of phone system with other business systems
It is very important that the existing telephone systems integrate with business systems to ensure smooth functioning of the business. Gloucestershire VoIP system offers easy and quick integration with other business systems such as CRM or ERP platform. Berkshire companies offer remarkable API's to integrate with certain others useful software used by the business.

Know about the total cost of installation
Cirencester VoIP system providers help in saving a large amount of money. They are more authentic and expandable systems that would provide you significant cost savings in the long run. Chippenham phone systems offer easy to upgrade features and other technologies that allow you to add users to the system with the expansion of the business.

These are some of the insights that prove to be helpful in making the crucial decision of purchasing a VOIP. Swindon technology suits the diverse range of business requirements and offers best in class communication to potential customers.

Some of the Best Office Phone Systems That Fulfils Every Business Requirements

Communication lies at the core of every modern infrastructure of the business. Panasonic phone system is one of the best means to ensure state of the art communication. Swindon phones are equipped with modern features, high end technological tools which can easily get installed and upgrade to higher versions in future. In this article, we will tell you about some of the key features of a business phone system.

Automatic Call Forwarding Feature
South West systems have this beneficial functionality built into it that redirects all incoming calls through a series of extensions before it gets answered or leaves a voicemail message for the caller. Chippenham phones built on automatic call forwarding technology reduce the possibilities of missing significant calls and it also improves customer satisfaction.

Auto-Attendant Feature
Thames Valley phones are provided with this auto-attendant feature that welcomes incoming callers. It offers them with a range of options and correctly routes them to the desired extension on the basis of the option chosen by them with their keypad.

Conference Calling
Gloucestershire phone systems are manufactured with a special ability to perform audio or video meetings with several customers located at different offices easily. Conference calling feature present in Cirencester phone is powered by secure, trusted and robust technology with brilliant conferencing capabilities.

Voicemail to Email Transcription
People having less time find it very difficult to attend every call. They will find Berkshire phones with voice mail facility quite useful. Voice mail is a faster alternative that enables you to quickly skim every message to get the most pertinent information. Wiltshire phone has a remarkable voicemail feature that helps in recording messages and process them in future.

Facility to scale with the growth of Business
Highworth office system offers virtual extensions where all call data is sent across the same computer network. This prevents the requirement of configuring individual lines for every office phone. Marlborough telephone systems are best for growing businesses. These systems are simple to add and reconfigure extensions.

With several types of features and functionalities present in the phone systems, it becomes very critical to choose the best among them. Using the above useful tips, selection of a phone system that offers versatile and authentic communication becomes quite easy and simple.

Know about Do’s and Don’ts of Implementing Voice over IP Services

Not only office phone systems offer you various communication related benefits, but also poses a set of problems. Solving these issues is not very difficult. With a little knowledge and awareness on identifying what should be performed and what should be ignored can save you from huge trouble. Highworth phone provider has been considered to be one of the most preferred service providers in the world due to their outstanding features.

Choose the same service provider
It is very important to get all the services from the same VOIP provider. That means if you are choosing South West provider then not just your phone service, but also internet access and phone equipment should also be from the same company. Chippenham companies are one of the preferred phone providers that guarantee you with impeccable quality devoid of latency and jitters to ensure smooth communication.

Consider Quality of Service
Swindon voice over IP provider offers secure and reliable voice communication from a VoIP service. To achieve quality service, Berkshire provider supplies all the features such as the internet, phone equipment and the phone service for Voice over IP. Gloucestershire provider offers adequate internet uploading bandwidth to its customers. Cirencester phone systems offer appropriate voice traffic along with controlling variables such as jitter and latency.

Do not obtain your lead from residential VOIP services
Getting lead from residential VoIP services does not provide any value to your existing telephonic systems, but only a small amount of saving over your current telephone bill. These services frustrate potential customers with annoying echoed conversations. When using such service, the person you are talking to hears your voice a second later you said it? Does it lead towards making a good communication? Thames Valley companies offer quality communication without any disturbance, noise, delayed response, etc.

It is advised not to buy business VoIP from the SkyMall
It is not an intelligent idea to purchase a VoIP system through the mail or over the phone. Wiltshire phone providers carry out elaborate site inspection prior to installation. One trick does not fit all problems so it is better to ask an expert. Marlborough phone providers help you with the best solution depending on your company requirements.

To ensure hassle free and the best in class communication, it is important to pay attention to the above mentioned list of things that one should perform and avoid while using VOIP services.

How to Select the Best Phone System for Your Business

Effective communication is essential for every business to be successful. Lack of effective communication with customers will not allow you to create a positive impact on people. This in turn directly affects sales and revenue. Adopting best quality Swindon telephone systems is the right choice to promote effective communication. If you have been planning to get one, then see some of the useful tips in this article.

Deciding on the quantity required
Before you buy a Cirencester telephone system, look into the number of phones required by your business. Consider factors such as number of employees, number of extensions required for fax machines, credit card terminals, modems, etc.

There are several companies that use internet daily, so they choose a phone system equipped with VoIP functionalities. Gloucestershire VoIP is ideal for companies having offices in multiple remote areas as it enables the facility of a single extension system. Thus, these VOIP systems assist in the easy transfer of call.

Think about the future
Thames Valley telephone systems are very convenient and inexpensive to upgrade to a larger system depending on the growth of their business in the later years. Implementing Berkshire VoIP systems for your business enables it to place as well as receive calls over the web with ease and efficiency.

Decide whether to buy it or take it on rent?
Wiltshire phone systems offer a facility to its customers, by enabling them with low-cost phone on rent. Chippenham telephone systems provide a business with a short-term solution without the need for making a big investment or paying a good amount of money for upgradation to a latest and advanced system. Marlborough offers business with high quality and cost effective call transfers and upgraded facility to accommodate recent released features and functions.

A South West telephone system can prove to be the lifeline of any business. It is considered as one of the significant ways to keep in touch with the customers and suppliers. Selecting an appropriate Highworth phone system for business is a crucial decision that impacts the financial situation of the business, so it requires you to look into long-term planning for the future to get the most suitable business phone system.